Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

If you are a user of the YouTube social network or you intend to start a channel on this platform, one of the most important steps you should take to produce your video content is to design a creative cover. In this article from How We will introduce you ways to design a creative cover for YouTube, so stay with us.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

What is a YouTube video cover and why is it important?

Video cover or thumbnail on YouTube is an image that you place at the beginning of your video and users will see it as an example of your video content. In fact, this cover is the first meeting of the audience with your channel and content production. Your video cover should be so attractive and impressive that it attracts the audience in less than 3 seconds and finally persuades them to click on your video and watch it. No matter how much you have prepared attractive and practical video content, if you have not prepared a suitable and creative cover for it, you will reduce the chance of attracting audience and visibility of your video.

In the picture below, all 7 photos you see on your YouTube home page are covers or thumbnails of YouTube videos.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

The best ways to design a YouTube video cover

To have attractive video covers on YouTube, you must follow a series of principles in YouTube cover design. Applying the principles that we will mention below will prepare you to make attractive covers. To design video covers, you need the tools that we have mentioned at the end.

1. Using photos and text together

In order to have an attractive cover on YouTube, it is better to use the combination of photos and text together. Using each one alone cannot convey the full theme of the video. So, it is better to use appropriate text and photos together to convey the content of the video and make the cover attractive to attract the audience.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

2. Use your own photo.

For the image you want, you can use your own real images or what the video is about. Real and pristine images usually have more visual appeal for the audience.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

If you don’t want to use your photos to design the cover of your YouTube videos, you can from the site Take advantage of this.

3. Choosing a suitable and exciting title

Try to use exciting headlines and arouse the curiosity of your audience. You must be very careful in choosing the title; Because the audience gets to know about the topic of the video at first glance by seeing the title you used on the cover. The shorter and more attractive the title, the higher its catchiness. Try to write clearly and expressively in the cover images and avoid exaggeration and ambiguity.

4. Accuracy in choosing colors

Use sharp elements and colors in your design. Usually, the presence of red and yellow colors in the cover images have a more attractive effect. Try not to make the audience sad with the colors you use in the design of the YouTube cover. Sometimes the combination of wrong colors can distract the user to read the cover title or better understand the elements used in it.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

5. Use of effects

You can use graphic and animation effects to combine the image and text of your title (Canova tools give you these capabilities). These tools, if used in their proper place, can multiply the attractiveness of the YouTube cover.

6. Using appropriate fonts on the YouTube cover

The use of legible fonts allows the audience to read the texts used on the cover with the least mental involvement in order to learn about the topic of the video. Try to use an attractive and fixed font for the title text that is placed on the cover.

7. Set a framework for yourself.

Try to follow a certain visual identity in the design of your covers so that your channel looks more professional. This framework can include certain fonts, color combinations, used photos and other features of a cover.

8. Simple but attractive

Avoid crowded and multifaceted images as much as possible. Your video cover should be attractive while being minimal. Crowded designs are boring for the audience.

What are the dimensions of the YouTube video cover?

Since YouTube programs and videos can be viewed on various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptop and computer monitors, and even television screens, so different dimensions are available to the audience, and YouTube should cover them optimally. In order to follow YouTube’s display and publishing guidelines, you need to be familiar with YouTube video cover or thumbnail dimensions.

The standard YouTube video cover size should be 1280 pixels wide by 720 pixels high, and the thumbnail aspect ratio should be 16:9 and at least 640 pixels wide. Also, the image format you upload as a cover can be JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG format and finally, the size of your thumbnail should be less than 2 MB.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

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What are the YouTube video cover design tools?

There are many tools for designing video covers on YouTube, just spend a little time and creativity. Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere software can be mentioned among the most specialized and used design tools. If you are familiar with each of these tools, you can manage the designs you need to some extent. If you are not familiar with these tools, we introduce you the very useful Canva tool. This software is for mobile phones and supports both Android and iOS versions.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas

With this tool, you can easily design the most creative covers according to the type of font, colors and elements you want. Canva tool provides you with all kinds of ready and suitable templates for social networks and YouTube. You can use these ready-made templates completely for your cover, and you can get inspiration from them, and then edit and change the upcoming templates according to your taste with the filters and tools provided by Canva itself. In this application, more than 50 thousand up-to-date and attractive templates are ready for use.

Creative video cover design training for YouTube + 7 ideas


The more attractive your YouTube video cover is, the more likely your video will be seen. The attractive cover gives you this chance to increase the watch time of your YouTube channel. If you want to save it to get ideas or use components of YouTube covers, you can post it Download YouTube video cover See.

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